Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

haz de relaciones

English translation:

bundle of relations / relationships

Added to glossary by Wendy Gosselin
Mar 16, 2016 19:50
8 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Spanish term

haz de relaciones

Spanish to English Social Sciences Anthropology
This is from a text by an art critic who appears to be citing Levi Strauss. Is it kinship ties??

La forma es el segundo lenguaje de sentidos que se encarga de hilvanar y presentar los signos sintagmáticos, es el plano de los contenidos, de la significancia, del haz de relaciones que abre la existencia de la pieza al mundo.

I googled the term and saw that there are many hits connecting it to some of Levi Strauss's writings...


Proposed translations

19 mins

bundle of relations / relationships

Lévi-Strauss's term in French is "paquet(s) de relations". This is usually rendered in English as "bundle(s) or relations" or "bundle(s) of relatonships"; I don't think it matters which you use. It may be that "haz" comes from "bundle" rather than directly from "paquet".
Peer comment(s):

agree Taña Dalglish : Oops .... d**m syncing (LOL!), but agree.
1 min
Thanks, Taña! I was about to post some references, but you've already done so :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks"
20 mins
Spanish term (edited): haces de relaciones

'bundles of relations'
Pero lo que le interesa investigar a nuestro autor no es el flujo del habla, sino las estructuras estables de la lengua. El mito no es sólo un relato que, discursivamente, transcurre en un eje temporal diacrónico (como el habla), sino que también, como la lengua, posee una disposición regulada de elementos que conforman un sistema sincrónico, i.e., un orden permanente ("haces de relaciones" 130), el cual constituye el espacio semántico, el imaginario cultural del que el mito parte y se nutre a un tiempo.
En este contexto, aplicaremos el modelo genético del mito representado en las **haces de las relaciones** en las unidades sintagmáticas de los componentes del ritual (Lévi-Strauss, 1976) de la lengua natural y la significación subyacente,...

In this context, we will apply the genetic model of the myth represented in the **bundles of relations** in the syntagmatic units of the ritual components (Lévi-Strauss, 1976) of natural language and its underlying meaning, only comprehensible in the context of an exemplary model present in one of the most important human activities: the ceremony of expiation of guilt mediated through the salvation ritual.

In French: "paquets des relations"
LEVI-STRAUSS, Claude - Opus Dei
Translate this page
El principal representante del estructuralismo es, sin duda, Lévi‑Strauss y su obra ..... las relaciones aisladas, sino haces de relaciones (paquets des relations), y sólo ... vertical constituyen una unidad constitutiva mayor, un haz de relaciones.

Structuralist theory of mythology - Wikipedia, the free ...
In structural anthropology, Claude Lévi-Strauss, a French anthropologist, makes the ... of a myth, which he labels ****“mythemes,” function as "bundles of relations.".***

Claude Levi Strauss
Claude Levi Strauss The leading figure in post-World War II French ethnology, .... relations, rather than individual relations--or what he calls bundles of relations.
Peer comment(s):

agree Charles Davis : Only because I didn't post references! It was a bit naughty really, but I've just had a run of preparing documented answers and then having them go to waste because someone else had already given the same answer while I was writing :)
13 mins
Thanks Charles, but you were first.
agree Muriel Vasconcellos
5 hrs
Thanks Muriel, but Charles deserves the agree. He was first. Un abrazo.
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1 hr


my take

Note added at 1 hr (2016-03-16 21:45:08 GMT)
Peer comment(s):

neutral Taña Dalglish : I don't understand how you arrive at this! (In this context, we will apply the genetic model of the myth represented in the bundles of relations in the syntagmatic units of the ritual components
4 hrs
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