The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Latinatik Ingelesara Egiaztagiriak, Diplomak, Baimenak, CVak Translation Glossary

Latina term Ingelesa translation
a valetudine curanda Nursing science
AB iesu Part of a name or title
ad quos presentes *pervenerint* whom the present (documents?) might reach
AD SCIENTIARUM HAUSTUM ET SEMINARIUM DOCTRINARUM a source of science and a seedbed of doctrine
AD SCIENTIARUM HAUSTUM ET SEMINARIUM DOCTRINARUM for the inculcation of the sciences and the dissemination of knowledge
aedium apponi of the affixed
Aequum est ut merita laurels that they deserve...
alma alma mater
Entered by: liz askew
ap reg apud regiodunum
auctoritate praedicta by the aforementioned authority
B.C. B.Sc.
baccalaureatus in scientiis de curatione Bachelor of Science in Nursing Studies
bene probato in examinatione quae ad diploma attingit thoroughly tested in the examination which concerns the diploma
c.t. cum titulo
civitatum reipublicae federatum anno CLXXXII since the founding of the state of the Federal Republic
Entered by: Rebecca Garber
Comitiis habitis during the assembly held (on)
commentatio paper/thesis
cursu honorum negotii globalis Global Business Honors Program (GBHP)
De mandato Emmi ac Revm. Dni. upon mandate of most eminent and reverend lord
decurialium of the board of ten
die quinavicenario maii on the 25th of May
Diplomate by a diploma
Dr. h.c. doctor honoris causa / honorary doctorate
duumviri delegati appointed committee/board
Fomittis solemnibus presented during the commencment at ?Formiti
honoribus affectus bestowed with honours
Entered by: JANOS SAMU
in Collegio Sinnenensi Hospitii Regendi at the Shannon College of Hotel Management
Entered by: Natasa Ikodinovic
In Florentissima Academia Jos Medicinae Baccalaureus Bachelor of Medicine in the prosperous (great) university of Jos
in omnia jura, privilegia, insignia admissus admitted to all the rights, privileges and distinctions
instituta disquisitione After due enquiry
iuribus conventis in accordance with the statutes
medicinarum medical nurse practitioner
nominatur creditur generationis It's a parody.
nomine aucto alloquimur we address him with the title [of Bachelor] enhanced with honours
nostrarum facultatum of our faculty
officiis scholaribus praestitis having fulfilled the academic duties
Omnibus muneribus quae statutis postulantur all the duties/requirements which are demanded by the (College\'s) statutes
pastor a. claes. ss. cc. Sacrorum Cordium
Penangensis Penang Medical College
per definitum tempus during his/her assigned period of studies
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