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Freelance itzultzailea edota interpretea, Egiaztatutako bazkidea
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Ingelesatik Euskarara: Join the fediverse! / Batu fedibertsora! General field: Teknologia/Ingeniaritza Detailed field: Ordenagailuak: Sistemak, Sarea
Jatorrizko testua - Ingelesa
What is fediverse?
A good analogy for the fediverse is email.
You're probably using Gmail. Or perhaps Outlook. Or Yahoo Mail.
Regardless of your choice, you can send an email to anyone in the world without knowing or caring what service they use.
This is not the case for social media.
If you're on Instagram or TikTok, and your friends or celebrities you like are on Twitter, or Facebook, you will have to sign up for each separate service to stay in touch with them.
Fedibertsoaren analogia on bat posta elektronikoa da.
Agian, Gmail erabiltzen duzu. Outlook, bestela. Edota Yahoo Mail.
Zure aukera edozein dela ere, munduko edozeini bidal diezaiokezu mezu bat erabiltzen duen zerbitzua kontuan hartu gabe.
Hau ez da sare sozialen egoera.
Instagram-en edo TikTok-en bazaude, eta zure lagunak edo gustoko dituzun famatuak Twitter-en edo Facebook-en badaude, zerbitzu bakoitzean eman beharko duzu izena beraiekin harremanetan jartzeko.
Ingelesatik Euskarara: Alt Text Hall of Fame / Ordezko testuaren Ospearen Aretoa General field: Gizarte Zientziak Detailed field: Gizarte Zientziak, Soziologia, Etika, etab.
Jatorrizko testua - Ingelesa
What is alt text?
Alternative text (or alt text, in short) is the text you can use to describe an image when you publish it on your website or social media.
Why is alt text important?
Imagine, for a moment, that your browser stopped showing you images. You would still see them referenced in articles, you’d read conversations about them, people making jokes. What would this experience be like for you? You would certainly feel pretty left out.
This is often the reality for people who are blind or visually impaired. But things are getting better!
Zure webgunean edo sare sozialetan argitaratzen duzun irudi bat azaltzeko erabil dezakezun testua da.
Zergatik da ordezko testua garrantzitsua?
Demagun, adibidez, zure arakatzaileak irudiak bistaratzeari uzten diola. Artikuluetan aipamenak, elkarrizketak eta jendea txisteak egiten irakurriko dituzu. Nola izango litzateke esperientzia hau zuretzat? Baztertuta sentituko zinateke.
Normalean, hauxe da itsuak diren edo ikusmen urritua duten pertsonen errealitatea. Halere, errealitate hori hobetzen doa.
Get help on technical issues / improve my technical skills
Broaden the horizon. Zabaldu zerumuga. Amplíe el horizonte.
5 years dedicated to translation. Especially involved in IT and new technologies including electronics and software such as apps, websites, as well as e-commerce, business, marketing and social network related projects.
Committed to polished writing.
Coherent style for each individual task or project.
Devotion to terminology.
Always learning, never falling behind.
Among the projects I have experience in include software intended to final users for everyday tasks, business and marketing tools for companies and its employees in order to monitor, manage and streamline the workflow. Also, I have been involved in insurance related content in which, for example, I have localized a platform for companies from the industry to help them manage their clients' insurance plans.
Transcreation, an adaptation of a message that takes culture, emotion and target audience into account, is something I have made my way for. Taking the creativity that resides in translation itself to another level, I have been able to provide services to both marketing and musical projects.
Your business project succeeds when you reach out to every person.
Struggling with not getting your message to the Basque audience properly?
Erabiltzaile honek KudoZ puntuak irabazi ditu beste itzultzaile batzuei PRO-mailako terminoen itzulpenekin lagundu dielako. Klik egin puntuen guztizkoan terminoari buruz eman dituzten itzulpenak ikusteko.