Bazkidea noiztik Jun '23

Laneko hizkuntzak:
Ingelesatik Euskarara
Euskara (elebakarra)
Ingelesatik Espainierara
Espainiera (elebakarra)

Aitor Salaberria
Mundu digitala euskaraz eta gazteleraz

Pinseque, Aragon, Espainia
Tokiko ordua: 09:35 CET (GMT+1)

Ondoko hizkuntza du ama‐hizkuntza:Euskara (Variant: Batua) Native in Euskara, Espainiera (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Espainiera
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Jan 17 (posted via  Translating subtitles for promotional videos from a platform. ...more, + 6 other entries »
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Broaden the horizon. Zabaldu zerumuga. Amplíe el horizonte.


    5 years dedicated to translation. Especially involved in IT and new technologies including electronics and software such as apps, websites, as well as e-commerce, business, marketing and social network related projects. 

  • Committed to polished writing.

  • Coherent style for each individual task or project.

  • Devotion to terminology.

  • Always learning, never falling behind.

    Among the projects I have experience in include software intended to final users for everyday tasks, business and marketing tools for companies and its employees in order to monitor, manage and streamline the workflow. Also, I have been involved in insurance related content in which, for example, I have localized a platform for companies from the industry to help them manage their clients' insurance plans.

    rqdes3qiezlfslwdlh2h.jpgTranscreation, an adaptation of a message that takes culture, emotion and target audience into account, is something I have made my way for. Taking the creativity that resides in translation itself to another level, I have been able to provide services to both marketing and musical projects.

    Your business project succeeds when you reach out to every person.

Struggling with not getting your message to the Basque audience properly?

Broaden your horizon, let it shine on everyone!

Sincerely yours,

Aitor Salaberria


Photo 1: Chamomile flowers. Source (public domain, CC0)

Photo 2: Orange day-lily flowers. Source (public domain, CC0)

Photo 3: Barley field. Source (public domain, CC0)

Erabiltzaile honek KudoZ puntuak irabazi ditu beste itzultzaile batzuei PRO-mailako terminoen itzulpenekin lagundu dielako. Klik egin puntuen guztizkoan terminoari buruz eman dituzten itzulpenak ikusteko.

Irabazitako pntk guztira: 80
(PRO maila guztiak)

Hizkuntza (PRO)
Ingelesatik Espainierara80
Kontsulta gehien dituzten eremu orokorrak (PRO)
Beste batzuk12
Pntk 2 eremutan baino gehiagotan >
Kontsulta gehien dituzten espezializazioko eremuak (PRO)
Finantzak (orokorra)4
Basogintza / Zura / Zuhaitzak4
Inbertsioak / Segurtasuna4
Automobil ingeniaritza / Autoak [1] Kamioiak4
Zuzenbidea (orokorra)4
Aeroespazioa / Hegazkigintza / Espazioa4
Pntk 13 eremutan baino gehiagotan >

Ikusi irabazitako puntu guztiak >
Hitz‐gakoak: basque, spanish, english, computers, technology, software, localization, apps, web, e-commerce. See more.basque, spanish, english, computers, technology, software, localization, apps, web, e-commerce, multimedia, hardware, engineering, electronics. See less.

Profilaren azken eguneratze-data
Nov 7, 2024

More translators and interpreters: Ingelesatik Euskarara - Ingelesatik Espainierara   More language pairs