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Latinatik Ingelesara Poesia [1] Literatura Translation Glossary

Latina term Ingelesa translation
"Stat rosa pristina nomine; nomina nuda tenemus." And what is left of the rose is only its name...
50 verba nimis More than 50 [famous] phrases
ACHILLEID leather sack/scrotum
Ad astra per aspera To the stars through difficulties
ad astra per aspera Over the thorns up to the stars
ad captadum vulgus to capture the affection or suit the taste of the crowd
ad testimonia Græcorum Poëtarum stabit aut cadet! if it shall stand or fall upon the testimony of the Greek poets.
Audentis fortuna juvet fortune favors the bold
ausus est he ventured (dared)
Ave Imperatrix Hail, Empress!
Entered by: Fabio Descalzi
avis, volucer, passer bird
“O vitae Philosophia dux! O virtutum indagatrix O philosophy, life's guide! O searcher of virtues
Bene autem, quod omnia tempus revelat, testibus etiam vestris proverbiis et sent Moreover, it is well, because time reveals all, when your witnesses are also proverbs and maxims.
bibite fratres ne diabolus vos otiosos inveniat Drink, brothers, lest the devil find you idle.
cognos It means nothing in Latin.
consequentia a simili to draw a consequence from a similar case (by similarity)
convenire in codem tertio and convenire inter nosipsos agree on the same third [person/point of view] and agree between ourselves
cum omnibus with all his/her (people) - see below
Cum, quorum res esset, sua ipsi non videbant, caecum adhibebant ducem. When they themselves did not see whose their own condition was, they took on a blind man as leader.
curiosa felicitas painstaking felicity (of expression)
Difficile est longum subito deponere amorem It is difficult suddenly to put aside a long-standing love.
Dilectum nobis one who is esteemed by us, whom we hold in high esteem
Dormiens Never tickle a sleeping dragon
Dulce bellum expertis War is sweet to those who have experienced it.
Ecquid femineos sequeris, matrona, recessus, secretus Vide infra
et supra vires et ultra spes nostras collocata it is above our forces and beyond our hopes
Exoriar(e) ex nostris ossibus ultor! May you arise (as) an avenger from our bones!
hebdomada week
honoratæque ...had led the way with his example of vigorous and honorable drinking to excess...
ILLEGITIMI NON CARBORUNDUM don't let the bastards grind/get you down
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
in abstracto conceptually
In quorum fidem In witness whereof
Insanire putas sollemnia me neque rides You think I suffer a common madness, and you don't laugh
ipse vinum in testis conditum levit He himself sealed the wine in jars and stored it away.
Larvatus prodeo I go forward bewitched/masked.
Leo de Juda Est Robur Nostrum The Lion of Judah is our Strength.
manet in pectus domesticum it stays in(to) the familiar/native breast
Mens sana in corpore sano A healthy mind in a healthy body
Entered by: Kirill Semenov
Non Nobis Tantum Nati Not for us alone we are born...
optima dies, prima fugit The best days are the first to flee
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