Browse links of Izenak (norberarenak, enpresarena) glossaries
Discover or contribute links to translation glossaries about and Izenak (norberarenak, enpresarena) terms.
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Slovník odporu
Student ZČU v Plzni |
Malý encyklopedický slovník výrazů, osobností a nazvů, které nějak souvisejí s anarchismem, komunismem, antifašismem, antikapitalismem a vůbec levicovou filosofií.
Namensforschung |
Vornamen-Lexikon, Familiennamen, Ortsnamen, Gewässernamen, Markennamen, Literaturtips, Ahnenforschung
quality-Datenbank Klaus Gebhardt e.K. |
Erklärungen und Begriffe aus dem Lexikon (Glossar). Das Schlagwortverzeichnis unserer Datenbank bietet Ihnen eine umfassende Liste von Schlüsselwörtern (Keywords).537 Seiten im Lexikon.
English-Chinese Bilingual Reference of terms and names for Food, Beverage and Eateries in the greater Silicon Valley area.
DLC Business Glossary
ERI Distance Learning Center |
English Monolingual Business Glossary This glossary of business definitions contains over 2,000 business terms used in compensation and benefits administration. Continually updated, this specialized business dictionary focuses on definitions of Human Resources terms and business terms.
EU Agencies
Secretariat for European Affairs |
A List of EU agencies with their Macedonian translation equivalents
Il dizionario, organizzato in ordine alfabetico, comprende sia i termini in inglese che in italiano. Ogni termine inglese rimanda al corrispondente italiano. Ogni termine italiano contiene una spiegazione e le possibili traduzioni in inglese. Alphabetically listed glossary, including Italian and English terms. Each English term links to the ita... View more
Cartoon Characters
Helcio Domingues |
Portuguese and English names of characters and other references in cartoons.
Terms commonly found in French Canadian geneological records, with some brief explanations or historical/cultural notes, and English equivalents listed.
Erdi Aroko Frantsesa (K.o. 1400‐1600)
These names are presented to assist you in naming your special foal. We don't consider ourselves experts in this language and have taken time to get the best translations for each name listed, with the assistance from our Arabic speaking friends. Many are older Arabian horse names from Classical Arabic spoken at the time, some from colloquial Arabi... View more
The database of various -often deragotary- nicknames given to nations