Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 154 results
Il glossario del castellano
Consorzio per la salvaguardia dei castelli storici del Friuli Venezia Giulia |
Glossary of the different parts of a castle.
Rhaeto‐Romera (Romansch)
Rhaeto‐Romera (Romansch)
URDU THESAURUS اردو تھیسارس
کتاب (پرائیوٹ) لمیٹڈ KITAB (Pvt.) Limited Karachi Pakistan, Musharraf Ali Farooqi Editor, Urdu scholars and linguists, Dr Tehsin Firaqi, Dr Moeen Nizami, Muhammad Salim-ur-Rahman, and Dr Mazhar Mahmood Shairani |
The URDU THESAURUS (‘beta’ or ‘testing’ version) launched for the web and smartphones on 16 July 2016 was developed over five years. Through the Urdu Thesaurus website and app, over forty thousand unique words and phrases, and over twenty thousand sets of synonyms can be searched. As a language reference resource, it is a constantly evolving tool. ... View more
Urdu English Dictionary
Managing Director & CEO: Mr. Syed Vaqas Tanveer Chief Technology Officer: Mr. Mohammad Irfan Senior Linguist: Mr. Salamat Bariah Zindani Linguist & DEOs (Pakistan Office) : Mr. Amjad Ali (Incharge) Mr. Muhammad Umar | https://www.urduenglishdictionary.o...
An Online English to Urdu and Urdu to English dictionary with sentence examples and feedback/ suggestions support. Word Search supports search by start word, ending word, containing word besides English Urdu Idioms and Names Search. It also supports Urdu Keyboard and Font.
Siglas Medicas en Español
Javier Laguna y Vicent Cuñat |
I found this very good resource for Spanish abbreviations. I used it today to great effect. It seems to be a lot more detailed than other dictionaries which I have used.
Wielki słownik angielsko-polski, polsko-angielski PWN - Oxford
Oxford University Press |
- 1 000 000 znaczeń, zwrotów, fraz, idiomów - specjalistyczne terminy z ponad 100 dziedzin - brytyjska i amerykańska wymowa haseł, nagrania audio Najlepszy słownik w Polsce - Nowoczesny - słownik nowej generacji dla każdego - Profesjonalny i wiarygodny - opracowany przez fachowy zespół - Uniwersalny - zawiera słownictwo ogólne, terminy specja... View more
The Vend retail dictionary: 50 terms every modern retailer needs to know. Need to keep up with the trends and technologies making an impact in retail today? We’ve got you covered. This resource keeps you up to date with all the terms, concepts, and trends that are powering modern retail.
Dizionario dialettale di Gallicchio
Maria Grazia Balzano | http://www.dizionariogallic.altervi...
Gentile visitatore, gentile visitatrice, sono lieta di ospitarti all'interno di questo sito, realizzato per la comunità e quindi patrimonio di tutti. Il nostro paese è ricco di tradizioni, alcune delle quali ancora da riscoprire e salvaguardare. Anche il dialetto, inteso in questo senso, costituisce memoria storica del paese e rappresenta un el... View more
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Development of this dictionary started in 1998 under the editorship of Paul E. Black. This is a dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypal problems, and related definitions. Algorithms include common functions, such as Ackermann's function. Problems include traveling salesman and Byzantine generals. Some entries ... View more
Glosario de abreviaturas utilizadas en el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán |
Glosario de abreviaturas utilizadas en el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán monilingual
A glossary with many highly specific terms related to dentistry and orthodontics. Glosario con muchos términos específicos relacionados a la odontología y la ortodoncia.
Instituto Universitario de Estudios Marítimos - Íria González Liaño & Ana López Pampín |
Resumen Este artículo surge de la necesidad de contar con terminología técnica relacionada con el ámbito marítimo, en concreto, con el aspecto comercial; desde el inglés como lengua internacional de comunicación, al español, nuestra lengua de trabajo. De hecho, toda la documentación necesaria para llevar a cabo las distintas operaciones para la... View more
Glossary of basic medical terms in 9 languages
Sandoz, the generic pharmaceuticals division of Novartis |
Basic medical terms in 9 languages, describing main types of pain and treatments
Dizionario Universale della Lingua di Sardegna (Campidanese)
Editrice Democratica Sarda |
Dizionario Universale della Lingua di Sardegna par Antoninu Rubattu Italiano-Sardo (Logudorese, Nuorese, Campidanese, Sassarese, Gallurese) - Italiano 2e Edizione 2006. Edes. Editrice Democratica Sarda. Campidanese – 54 485 termini, Gallurese – 40 732 termini, Logudorese – 72 067 termini, Nuorese – 56 146 termini, Sassarese – 34 030 termini.
Pali-English Dictionary (PED)
Pali Text Society |
Electronic version of Rhys Davids and Stede's Pali-English Dictionary, first published 1923.
Glosario EN-ES de ensayos clínicos (2.ª parte: N-Z)
M.ª Verónica Saladrigas, Fernando A. Navarro, Laura Munoa, Pablo Mugüerza y Álvaro Villegas |
La investigación clínica, y dentro de ella la basada en ensayos clínicos con medicamentos, genera un volumen ingente de documentación escrita que es preciso traducir del inglés al español. El presente glosario está pensado como ayuda práctica al traductor especializado que se enfrenta a esta compleja tarea. La presente entrega contiene las ent... View more
Glosario EN-ES de ensayos clínicos (1.ª parte: A-M
M.ª Verónica Saladrigas, Fernando A. Navarro, Laura Munoa, Pablo Mugüerza, y Álvaro Villegas |
: La investigación clínica, y dentro de ella la basada en ensayos clínicos con medicamentos, genera un volumen ingente de documentación escrita que es preciso traducir del inglés al español. El presente glosario está pensado como ayuda práctica al traductor especializado que se enfrenta a esta compleja tarea.
100 терминов.
Pavel Kats |
WikIdioms is a multilingual dictionary of idioms, phrasal verbs, collocations and other types of fixed expressions.
dizionari online / online dictionary |
Un dizionario online a prima vista davvero completo. Lo ha realizzato Google e lo ha messo in linea senza avvertire nessuno, come ormai fanno d’abitudine quelli dell’azienda di Mountain View. Tanto, qualcuno, prima o poi, lo nota (o forse, qualcuno dalla grande G, lo rivela informalmente). In questo caso, e’ stato il Los Angeles Times a scoprire la... View more
Términos de alcohol y drogas
Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo de España (basado en edición de la OMS) |
Definición de términos de alcohol y drogas, en español, con términos correspondientes en inglés.
medical terms
MedicineNet, Inc |
About Us MedicineNet, Inc. - Owned and Operated by WebMD and part of the WebMD Network is an online, healthcare media publishing company. It provides easy-to-read, in-depth, authoritative medical information for consumers via its robust, user-friendly, interactive web site. Since 1996, has had a highly accom... View more
Glossario medico
ASL 3 Torino - Italy |
Glossario Italiano italiano dei termini medici e della salute. Il dizionario medico spiega, in maniera semplice, il significato di queste parole, spesso utilizzate nei foglietti dei medicinali, nella documentazione medica in generale ed in questo Portale della Salute.
Finnish-Swedish IT vocabulary
Tietotekniikan liitto ry |
Basic IT vocabulary
he perfume industry has adopted a language of its own. And when you’re buying fragrances, you need to understand what the salesperson is saying when the perfume’s being described to you. So we’ve taken some of the more commonly-used words and put them into this glossary of perfume terms and definitions, to help you make a wise and informed choice. ... View more
English-German Dictionary of Occupational and Executive Assessment related Terms
Salt Glossary
The Nibble Magazine |
Culinary Salt Glossary — Fine Sea Salt & Artisan Salt From All Over The World Detailed descriptions of the different types of salt varieties available.
Dennis Oliver's Phrasal Verbs
Dennis Oliver / |
A little help with phrasal verbs.
Dictionary of Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problems
National Institude of Standards and Technology |
A dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypical problems, and related definitions including . Algorithms include common functions, such as Ackermann's function. Problems include traveling salesman and Byzantine generals. Some entries have links to further information and implementations.
Svenska OptikSällskapets Ordlista
Svenska OptikSällskapet | http://www.svenskaoptiksallskapet.c...
Svenska OptikSällskapets ordlista behandlar de upptagna termernas betydelse och användning inom optiken och kommenterar inte deras ev. förekomst i dagligt tal eller inom andra teknikområden.
Glossary on macroeconomics from a gender perspective (Report48)
Patricia Alexander with Sally Baden |
This glossary provides a concise introduction to the key concepts relevant to macroeconomics and its applications, highlighting the gender dimensions of current economic thinking. It also indicates aspects of policy formation and evaluation where these dimensions are increasingly taken into account. The glossary has been prepared primarily ... View more
Edizione aggiornata e rinnovata del dizionario elaborato negli anni Settanta dal Centro Lessicografico Sansoni guidato dal prof. Vladimiro Macchi. Attraverso il riordino e l'arricchimento del lemmario, con messa a lemma di migliaia di multiword verbs (anche noti come phrasal verbs), il Sansoni Inglese traccia la strada della nuova lessicografia e ... View more
Universal Word - Hindi dictionary is being made at CFILT, IIT Bombay for the purpose of Machine Translation. The user can search the Hindi and English words and phrases. This lexicon also provides the grammatical, morphological and semantic attributes of the Hindi words. This version contains 119817 words.
Glossary of Specialty Printing & Imaging Technologies
Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) |
Since it was first introduced in 1973, the Glossary of Screen Printing and Related Technologies has served as an excellent industry terminology resource manual. It is the language by which we all communicate, without it universal understanding would be impossible.
This sixth edition incorporates many changes and developments that hav... View more
les mots du vin (lexique en français) |
lexique en français définitions des termes typiques utilisés dans le secteur
Diccionario de Contaminación por Plantas de Celulosa
Mary Fuentes Morrison - Contanza Gerding Salas |
Diccionario en línea relacionado con el tema de la Contaminación por Plantas de Celulosa, elaborado por docentes de la Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Diccionario Geográfico Universal
Academia Mexicana de la Lengua / Guido Gómez de Silva |
El Diccionario Geográfico Universal, obra de la Academia Mexicana de la Lengua, contiene una lista muy extensa de lugares de todo el mundo, con su nombre en español. Puede ser útil no sólo para los mexicanos, sino para todos los hablantes de español. // The Universal Geographic Dictionary made by the "Academia Mexicana de la Lengua" contains a ve... View more
Diccionario médico-biológico (histórico y etimológico) de helenismos
Francisco Cortés Gabaudan (Coordinador) - Universidad de Salamanca |
Se trata de un diccionario dedicado especialmente a los helenismos médicos y biológicos y los estudia desde un punto de vista histórico y etimológico. No pretende, en su actual fase de elaboración, recoger sistemáticamente todos los helenismos de la medicina o biología pero acumula ya un número muy significativo de ellos (más de 4.800 acepciones), ... View more
Glosario de nutrición, salud y bienestar. ¿Tiene dudas respecto al significado de alguna palabra relacionada con el tema de Nutrición, Salud y Bienestar? Este glosario glosario incluye parte de la terminología habitual que en esta área se utiliza con frecuencia.
Glossario dei termini botanici
a cura di Giuliano Salvai e Giovanni Dose |
glossario dei termini botanici tratto dal sito dell´A.M.I.N.T. - Associazione micologica italiana naturalistica telematica
Extensive monolingual lists of medical terms in all the languages listed.
On the entrance page you will have to choose your look-up language. After your selection, you can call the alphabetical list of medical terms or the glossary in the language you have selected. You can switch between the glossary, the list and the multilingual lemm... View more