Hourly Rate$50 USD
- On-site
- Telephone
- Video
That I provide interpreting services in English, French, and Spanish is the starting point, "the What".That I excel in fields such as law, aviation, climate change, renewables, engineering is the "Where", the industry. But what really stands out about my services is the "How", and that is by blending into the situation. The parties feel they all speak the same language, no help or hindrances.From machine setups through board meatings to conferences, I am part of your team.
Specializing in:
- Mekanika / Ingeniaritza mekanikoa
- Zuzenbidea (orokorra)
- Ingeniaritza (orokorra)
- Soldadutza / Defentsa
- Ingurumena [1] Ekologia
- Aeroespazioa / Hegazkigintza / Espazioa
- Papergintza / Paper fabrikazioa
- Petrolio Ingeniaritza/Zientzia
- IT (Informazioaren Teknologia)
- Zuzenbidea: Kontratua(k)