The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Errumanieratik Ingelesara Nekazaritza Translation Glossary

Errumaniera term Ingelesa translation
redare in circuitul agricol a unei suprafete de teren restore land to its former condition as agricultural land
rizocarp de sfeclă sugar beet rhizocarpon
scoaterea unui teren din circuitul agricol removal of land from farm-use classification
serviciul gospodărire town administration
si care se va supune acelorasi reguli privind distrugerea materialului vegatal. and which must follow the same rules in regard to the distruction of vegetal material
situatia exacta cu privire la.... the present situation regarding
srot de soia soybean meal
Staţiunea agronomică de la Herăstrău agronomical research centre
tavalugitul semanaturilor de grau rolling of wheat seedings
valenţe de bioproductivitate bioproductivity stimuli
verdeaţă green/greenery, greengrocery
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