Bazkidea noiztik Jul '14

Laneko hizkuntzak:
Euskaratik Ingelesara
Bulgarieratik Ingelesara
Ingelesatik Hindira
Hinditik Ingelesara
Ingelesatik Bulgarierara

Translation Light
bridging language barriers globally

Delhi, Haryana, India
Tokiko ordua: 08:29 IST (GMT+5.5)

Ondoko hizkuntza du ama‐hizkuntza:Hindi Native in Hindi, Ingelesa Native in Ingelesa
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Feedback from
clients and colleagues

on Willingness to Work Again info
5 positive reviews
Itzultzaileak honekin
berriz lan egingo luke (LWA)

Past 5 years
(15 entries)
Last 12 months
(0 entries)
Total: 33 entries
What translationligh is working on
Jul 29, 2023 (posted via  hmong ...more, + 1 other entry »
Total word count: 0

Erabiltzailearen mezua
Oue vision is to deliver the most accurate and quality translation services before committed time at the lowest possible prices.
Kontu mota Freelancer eta agentzia / enpresa, Identity Verified Egiaztatutako bazkidea
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
This person is affiliated with:
Blue Board affiliation:
Zerbitzuak Translation, Transcription, Desktop publishing, Voiceover (dubbing), Website localization, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling, Transcreation
Ondokoan dago espezializaturik:
Finantzak (orokorra)Turismoa [1] Bidaiak
Ordenagailuak (orokorra)Zinea, Filmak, Telebista, Drama
Orokorra / Elkarrizketa / Agurrak / EskutitzakNegozioak/Merkataritza (orokorra)
Egiaztagiriak, Diplomak, Baimenak, CVakIngeniaritza (orokorra)
Hezkuntza / PedagogiaMedikuntza: Osasun Laguntza

Borondatezkoa / Pro-bono lana Pentsatuko du borondatezko lana egin ala ez erregistratutako irabazirik gabeko erakundeentzat
Payment methods accepted PayPal
Company size 4-9 employees
Year established 2010
Currencies accepted U.A.E. dirhams (aed), Australian dollars (aud), Bahrain dinars (bhd), Euro (eur), Indian rupees (inr), U. S. dollars (usd)
Standards / Certification(s) ISO 9001
This company Hosts interns
Offers job opportunities for employees
Offers job opportunities for freelancers
Esperientzia Itzulpen‐lanak egiten emandako denbora:12.‐en erregistraturik:Jul 2014. Egin zaitez bazkide:Jul 2014. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Egiaztagiriak N/A
Bazkidetzak N/A
Softwarea Adobe Acrobat, AutoCAD, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Trados Studio
Web gunea
CV/Resume Ingelesa (PDF)
Ez da edukirik zehaztu

Profilaren azken eguneratze-data
May 30, 2023