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Scams SCAM: translation of a 11,643-word document (various email addresses, payment with a check) Today, July 4th, 2023, I received an email about the same content from this forum. I received an email via G-mail from
Wendy-Conroy-025 with a text of 12,714 words to
translate from Spanish to Portuguese. I realized
that it's neither from an agency nor a company. I
Marcia Gascon Jul 4, 2023
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have your own professional website? Other I have my profile on Proz only! It is enough to
Marcia Gascon Nov 12, 2012
Portuguese Pagamento recebido após injunção em Tribunal Você fez muito bem Você agiu corretamente. As pessoas devem sim
entrar com processo na justiça quando algo ocorre
assim. Eu já acionei uma vez a justiça aqui no
Brasil por conta de uma pessoa desonesta,
Marcia Gascon Mar 25, 2011
Trados support Error 1606: could not access network location Thanks a lot [quote]pioneerka wrote: I have a solution for
Vista users: Please go [i]Run[/i] ->
[i]Regedit.exe[/i] and try to change the name
of HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurre
Marcia Gascon Apr 20, 2009
Translator resources Installing many dictionaries as Firefox and Internet Explorer add-ons very good and useful tip [quote]Eric Le Carre wrote: Hi Fabio, thanks
for sharing this information with us. It really is
helpful to me as a Firefox user, and it also
includes resources I didn't know before.
Marcia Gascon Jan 16, 2009
Translator resources WhiteSmoke - Any experiences to share? ... [quote]Amy Duncan wrote: I thought it was the
name of a rock band. :D [/quote] :D
Marcia Gascon Jan 15, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you generally give your customers your cell phone and/or home number? Mobile, msn and Spype I always give my mobile, home phone, msn and Skype
to my clients, and I don't have any problems at
all. The most contact me via e-mail, msn or Skype,
and the few contact me via mobile or
Marcia Gascon Jan 15, 2009
Translator resources WhiteSmoke - Any experiences to share? It's just only good, not excellent. I have it. It is good to check grammar and
spelling words in english. It has a lot of kinds
of templates to help write better. ;)
Marcia Gascon Jan 15, 2009
Social networking Poll: Does the use of social networking sites affect your work? Well, I am on Orkut and Myspace, and sometime I use them
to contact my friends. I use Skype and MSN only
for my work. Msn and Skype I can contact directly
my business while Orkut and Myspace, I
Marcia Gascon Jan 14, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: In how many projects are you involved right now? just 3 One big and two small. But that are my expertise
field :roll:
Marcia Gascon Dec 13, 2008

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Открытые дискуссии по тематике, связанной с устным и письменным переводом и локализацией

Trados Business Manager Lite
Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio

Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.

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Trados Studio 2022 Freelance
The leading translation software used by over 270,000 translators.

Designed with your feedback in mind, Trados Studio 2022 delivers an unrivalled, powerful desktop and cloud solution, empowering you to work in the most efficient and cost-effective way.

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