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Spanish (Puerto Rico USA) Quality Assurance Specialist

Noiz bidalia: Feb 6, 2025 20:17 GMT   (GMT: Feb 6, 2025 20:17)

Job type: Itzulpen/editatze/orrazketa lana
Services required: Translation, Checking/editing, MT post-editing, Transcreation, Native speaker conversation
Confidentiality level: HIGH

Hizkuntzak: Ingelesatik Espainierara

Hizkuntza aldaerak: English US/CA, Spanish Puerto Rico USA

Lanaren deskribapena:
We are a growing translation agency in the US and we are looking for a native Spanish (Puerto Rico, USA) translator/post-editor/reviewer/quality assurance specialist.

This job would be a contract job but with ongoing projects, looking over ALL of our English to Spanish translations and assuring quality on content, including:

- working in Smartcat
- working with various types of files (word, PDF, excel, PPT, XLIFF, etc.)
- terminology and glossary management
- translation memory management
- communication and feedback with rest of linguistic team
- developing and updating style guides per client
- reviewing translated content and ensuring consistency, accuracy, style, and process are in the best possible state.

This position can be compensated in some cases per word and in other cases per hour as needed depending on task at hand.

If you're interested, please send your resume to [HIDDEN]

Thank you!
Jatorrizko formatua:
Entrega formatua:

Ordainketa metodoa: Adosteke
Payment terms: 45 egunak entrega epetik.
Poster country: Estatu Batuak

Zerbitzu hornitzailea hautatzea (lana bidaltzen duenak zehaztutakoaren arabera):
Bazkidetza: Bazkideak ez direnek, berriz, 12 ordu geroago bidal dezakete aurrekontua
info Teknologia/Ingeniaritza, Negozioak/Finantzak, Medikuntza, Marketina
info Lehenetsitako eremu zehatzak: Advertising / Public Relations, Business/Commerce (general), Building = Construction, Cooking / Culinary, Cosmetics, Beauty, Education / Pedagogy, Food & Drink, General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters, IT (Information Technology), Internet, e-Commerce, Investment / Securities, Contracts = Law: Contract, Management, Marketing, Medical: Pharmaceuticals, Health Care = Med: HC, Medical (general), Printing & Publishing, Psychology, Slang, Names (personal, company), Idioms / Maxims / Sayings, Journalism, Manufacturing
info Ama‐hizkuntza: Espainiera
Eremuaren gaia: Consumer Packaged Goods, Food, Beauty, Construction, Manufacturing, Business Legal, etc.
info Softwarea: Trados Studio, Wordfast, Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, Smartling, DeepL, ChatGPT, Lilt, Smartcat
Egiaztagiria: Beharrezkoa dena
Aurrekontua bidaltzeko epemuga: Feb 14, 2025 05:00 GMT
Entrega epemuga: Dec 31, 2025 05:00 GMT
Eskakizun osagarriak:
Please answer the following questions:

In which language variant do you specialize (ex: Spanish Puerto Rico)?
What is your native-level language written and spoken variant?
How many years of ENG>Spanish (Puerto Rico, USA) translation experience do you have?
How much experience do you have in translating Business/Finance/Marketing material?
Do you work with any CAT tools? Which ones?
If not, are you willing to work within our cloud cat tool, Smartcat?
Are you affiliated with any translation associations? Which ones?
What is your top service of expertise: Quality Assurance, Translation, Editing, Proofreading?
What are your rates in USD/word for each of the following services: Post-Editing, Editing, Proofreading, Quality Assurance?
What are your hourly rates in USD/word?
What is your daily capacity (words/day) for each service you provide?
Are you available starting in Feb2025?
Are you willing to complete a free 200-300w test?
Are you available for a virtual interview (face and voice via TEAMS/ZOOM/etc.)?
Zerbitzuetako erosleari buruz:
This job was posted by a Business member.

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Contact person title: Founder