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Search results: (1069 matches)
Trados support MultiTerm 2009: Is it possible to change language variant in existing TB? No instant way I think that the fastest way would be to export
the TB, create an empty TB with correct languages
and import exported file. Best Regards S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Oct 31, 2011
Site forums Translation news box overlapping with latest forum posts list (Staff: fixed) Well te best idea is to submit a support ticket At least if you see more than translation related
advertisements in meantime I would suggest
installation of a pop-up blocker or alternative
adblocker - they can work miracles :)
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Oct 30, 2011
Site forums Translation news box overlapping with latest forum posts list (Staff: fixed) Have you been logged in [quote]Tom in London wrote: I thought they'd
gone. Can I post an image here? I have a
screen shot. [/quote] As a member you should
only see a limited amount of ads and I bever
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Oct 30, 2011
Money matters Translation test of 750 words. Yes or no? If they were ready to pay your rates they would simply confirm it Postponing such answer says volumes about the
future relations with this client. S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Oct 27, 2011
Localization Can you download a whole website in one go? You could use this program It will download entire
website, afterwards you can open required HTML
files in MS Word. Mind that it will download
entire website not just the files you
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Oct 26, 2011
Trados support Translating Sisulizer files in Studio 2009 I have just received some files in "sle"
(Sisulizer) format, is there any chance to avoid
translating them in Sisulizer and do it somehow in
Studio? I need to return sle files to the clie
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Oct 26, 2011
Legal Copyright and KudoZ Idea behind Kudoz is to help others The idea of Kudoz is to help others, if we are
successful in helping others it only means that we
succeeded. It may not be the best comparison
but if you gave someone a gift and he wou
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Oct 25, 2011 suggestions Free viewing of 2-5 minutes of paid-for videos What a great idea! Probably 5 minutes would be reasonable minimum as
the first few minutes usually contain introduction
and is not very representative for the entire
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Oct 18, 2011
CAT Tools Technical Help affordable TM server solution Maybe you could try to streamline this TM a bit Unfortunal AFAIK server solutions and
affordability don't go hand in hand. Even if you
found a cheap software, you would still need a
powerful server capable of processing 17GB
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Oct 17, 2011
Trados support Merging memories in Studio export and import I would do it in 3 stages: - export all TMs to
TMX files - create a new TM - import all TMX
files into that new TM. Cheers S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Oct 17, 2011
Polish Prawdziwa perełka Wersja polska Profil trasy: trasa trudna wyznaczona w Beskidzie
Sądeckim, górzysta, z licznymi podbiegami i
zbiegami. Póki co wciąż jeszcze się uczę
angielskiej terminologii związanej z bie
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Oct 15, 2011
Polish Prawdziwa perełka Strona prestiżowego festiwalu biegowego z pulą
nagród 350 000 PLN i powiązanego z Forum
Ekonomicznym. Zgadnijcie jak brzmiał polski
oryginał tego opisu trasy: Route profile: <
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Oct 15, 2011
Internet for translators Keeping track of website changes for translation It won't be so easy [quote]Jabberwock wrote: Actually, any CAT will
be sufficient for this - that is exactly what they
are for... It would be enough to keep track of the
files with changes (although even t
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Oct 14, 2011
Internet for translators Keeping track of website changes for translation You may have a look here
anges-to-any-website.html this way translator
may follow changes occuring to translated
website. BR S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Oct 14, 2011
Professional development How to have a PayPal button on my proz site It's not so easy You can give details of your paypal account by
going to Settings > Fill in your profile >
Financial > Payment methods accepted It will
display information that you accept payments via
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Oct 11, 2011
Interpreting I start my DPSI in healthcare tomorrow: can't wait Good luck with your course I hope that you enjoy it :) Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Oct 7, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you mark tough terms/phrases you will solve at a later stage? Comment in Studio 2009 I seldom leave terms for later but if I do I mark
them with a comment. S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Oct 5, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice what do I need to ask the client (by way of documents, etc) to be "sure" I will get paid? down payment or some kind of escrow seem the only safe options
here. However they are very unlikely to agree to
any of them. Alternatively you could agree to
payment in installments - let's say after e
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Oct 4, 2011
Translator resources Stuck on a desert island with only one digital English dictionary. Where did you find the price £42 [quote]Michael Beijer wrote: I am considering
trying out 'Oxford Dictionaries Online'
/). £42 for an entire year sounds eminently
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Sep 26, 2011
Polish Apel do tłumaczy ustnych na polskim rynku Wątpliwość Czy słusznie podejrzewam, że apel jest
skierowany do tłumaczy konferencyjnych, a nie do
wszystkich tłumaczy ustnych? Pozdrawiam S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Sep 15, 2011
Internet for translators VPN recommendations? not exactly a vpn but Logmein could be a good substitute -
Best Regards Stanislaw
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Sep 12, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have special "rituals" to get into the mood of translation? I wouldn't call it a ritual But I always check the news in the morning before
I start work. I also do it after long breaks like
lunch - it is a moment when I switch from relax to
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Sep 5, 2011
Polish Strategie stosowane w przekładzie tytułów filmów Ciekawa pozycja Na pewno warto zaopatrzyć się w "Tłumaczenie
Filmów" Belczyka
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Sep 2, 2011
Money matters How Much Should I Charge for a 90 thousand word Document? another issue I think that the rate you agree for the job is
important and probably it would be a good idea to
give them a small discount (and start using a CAT
tool too - even if just for concordance).
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Aug 26, 2011's Virtual Conferences Discussion for & TAUS present: The Great Translation Debate (2011) Global event In case of a global event timing must be
inconvenient to some participants :( I don't think
that $10 is a big deal but with 3 AM it's hard to
say whether it's better to get up early or rat
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Aug 24, 2011
Money matters Is this a joke or a mistake? The rule [quote]Tom in London wrote: Isn't there a rule
somewhere about this?
[/quote] I guess that
the name of the rule is: "demand and supply"
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Aug 24, 2011
Trados support Trados 2007 suite and 64 bit It will run in 32 bit mode Just like many other programs without a dedicated
64 bit version - no problem here. Best
Regards Stanislaw
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Aug 16, 2011
Trados support Problem with SDL Studio 2009, cannot open the program, error message It worked for me too :) Thank you very much! S Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Aug 11, 2011
Business issues Need advice in a very peculiar situation ... [quote]Jenny Forbes wrote: You could offer them
a credit for the overpaid amount if returning the
money would cost you bank charges. They may never
take up your offer, by sending you a
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Aug 3, 2011
Fun with language How many English words do you know? rather disappointing 18,500 I wonder what would be result if to include legal

[Edited at 2011-07-28 10:38
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jul 28, 2011
Polish Znowu będzie na tłumacza...? Początkowo myślałem że w końcu będzie więcej kasy na opłacenie
tłumaczeń :)
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jul 8, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever bartered your services for something else you needed/wanted? I translated Projetex's interface in exchange for a licence. S

[Edited at
2011-06-27 09:12 GMT]
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jun 27, 2011
Business issues Are you satisfied with your investment into SDL Trados Studio 2009? Yes I had few problems and the ones I had always could
be resolved in less than 1 day. I did not have
any problems in months and I began to use Studio
even if I need to translate a sentence o
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jun 24, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you accept a post-editing job (of a machine translated text)? Depends Translation provided by the client would have to
be of quality better than GT (otherwise I am
perfectly capable myself of running the text
through GT if I feel like it) and the rate would<
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jun 20, 2011
Polish Praca tłumcza przysięgłego a urlop dla podratowania zdrowia Może zapytaj prawnika? Wydaje mi się, że nikt nie da Ci tu pewnej
odpowiedzi. Najlepiej byłoby zwrócić się do
prawnika specjalizującego się w prawie
pracy. Pozdrawiam S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jun 15, 2011
Polish bardzo chrupki = very chips? Faktycznie nie widać autora A normalnie jest. Tylko skąd by się wziął -
normalnie jest to treść "zwycięskiej"
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jun 14, 2011
Polish bardzo chrupki = very chips? znalazłaś prawdziwą perełkę! Jestem pod
wrażeniem ---------------------- Dodałem
swój komentarz do wpisu korzystając z opcji
"contribute" ale nie ma o tym żadnej informacji -
szkoda, myślę, że dla ws
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jun 14, 2011
Polish shutdown of Google Translate API Chętnie bym płacił Szczególnie gdyby opłaty szły w parze z
dodatkowym zabezpieczeniem poufności dokumentów.
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jun 6, 2011
Polish Nareszcie dostępny podręcznik do SDL Trados Studio 2009 Może e-book na Kindle? Nie żartuję - publikacja banalnie prosta,
dystrybucja też, a do tego ochrona praw
autorskich. Do czytania nie trzeba kupować
urządzenia - wystarczy pobrać bezpłatny program
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jun 6, 2011
Polish shutdown of Google Translate API Nie do końca [quote]Michal Berski wrote: [quote]Stanislaw
Czech wrote: Google translate nie można
uzywać do wszystkich zleceń ale w tych gdzie
można pozwala niekiedy zaoszczędzić naprawdę<
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jun 6, 2011
Polish Słownik techniczny polsko-angielski angielsko-polski Używam tego i
jestem całkiem zadowolony. Pozdrawiam S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jun 3, 2011
Polish shutdown of Google Translate API Szkoda Ciekawą analizę sytuacji można przeczytać
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL Jun 3, 2011
CAT Tools Technical Help No more Google Translate in CAT tools? It would be a pity If this option would disappear. Still I can
believe that providing it costs them a lot and
they are not getting any financial reward so the
move is understandable. Still I hope that they
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL May 27, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: How many different CAT tools have you "mastered"? 2 If one considers Tag Editor and Studio 2009 as 2
programs. I am thinking about Memoq, but it's not
one of my priorities. S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL May 23, 2011
Money matters Memory ownership your property? [quote]Kroz Wado wrote: Unless they've
explicitly paid you to make a TM for them then in
my opinion, even if the source and the translation
are theirs, the knowledge, know-how and align
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL May 23, 2011
Off topic Witty response for client who ran your translation through Google Translate Why don't you run his email through GT a few times and send it back to him Maybe if he sees how his own words are distorted
by the tool he uses he'll change his
mind? BR S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL May 22, 2011
CAT Tools Technical Help MDB to TMX conversion @Bob I am not sure what you could do - maybe it depends
on a language as I did not have any problems. One
idea which comes to my mind is that you could save
the TMX file as txt and than using s
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL May 22, 2011
Trados support Translation of document containing a lot of code I may need to translate some strings. For the time
being they are in a txt file and have a uniform
structure: define('PERMISSION_DENIED', '
Permission Denied
'); define('PERMIS
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL May 19, 2011
CAT Tools Technical Help MDB to TMX conversion Looks very interesting [quote]Natalie wrote: Hi folks, take a look
[/quote] Thank you Natalie for sharing
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL May 19, 2011
CAT Tools Technical Help MDB to TMX conversion @Bob At the last stage of exporting to TMX you can
choose (at least on my computer) from a drop down
menu between UTF-8 and Unicode. Cheers S
Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL May 19, 2011



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